Israel, Internet and in between. some of it in Hebrew.
ישראל, אינטרנט ומה שביניהם. חלק באנגלית וחלק בעברית
Fonebrew - Traduction français hébreu
this one for all you froggies out there...
translate French to Hebrew:
Fonebrew - Traduction français hébreu
israeli CHUTZPA workshop
what is Chutzpa you might ask.... well, I'll try to make sense of something that is senseless:
Chutzpa cannot be directly translated to English - here is the Wikipedia translation and it originates from Yiddish (Eastern European Jewish dialect).
anyways, Chutzpa is very characteristic to Israelies and usually deters Europeans/Americans.
however, as I see it, Chutzpa also has a very positive side - Chutzpa is the reason for so many new Israeli hi-tech start-up companies who are redefining so many technological fields. An amazing fact: Israel has more start-up companies investments per year than the whole european continent. RESPECT !
here is a well-designed internal joke about Israeli Chutzpa.